Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Next week looks like this:

-spanish vocab quiz
-spanish test
-art history slide i.d. test
-art history #2 test
-design project #3 due
-world civilizations assignment #3 due

I think that's it.

The days are settling nicely into Autumn. The sun shines, the breeze blows, and the leaves flutter gracefully onto the ground. I'm not sure if the weather will stay this comfortable, but for now I'm going to enjoy the extra bundling that the cool morning requires, and I'm going to be entertained by the sight of my breath as I wait not-so-patiently at the bus stop.


Anonymous said...

My Darling Jessica,

My week is just work, but only 5 days this week and not six like last week.

The weather is just beautiful. It's been in the high 70's to low 80's during the afternoon and the low 50's at night. I've been driving my car to work in the morning and then my scooter back to work in the afternoon to help save the all mighty dollar. If I driver my car back and forth everyday fro the 5 day work week with gas prices as they are it costs $50.00 a week. If I drive mt car in the morning and scooter in the afternoon I'm not sure yet what the difference is but I will know by tomorrow when I fill up my car again. I do know I've only spent $6.14 in my scooter so far all week.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to tell you. The picture you have on your post is BEAUTIFUL! Can I get a copy?
