Tuesday, October 7, 2008

feliz cumpleanos caleb!

Happy Birthday Caleb! My nephew is now 8..or is it 9? Either way, he's no longer small enough to bathe in the sink, and no longer in that precious stage where hugs and kisses are given freely but extracted with *gentle* persuasion by mom who's wagering his favorite video game.
It's hard to believe that the baby I many times held and fed and the toddler I chased around the house and dressed in mis-matching outfits is now a boy-a young boy that can ride a bike without training wheels and talk back in perfectly executed sentences, among other things.

Time really does fly and I can't wait to see him this December.
(and of course little Brooky too)

*and everyone else;)


Anonymous said...

Oh My Darling Daughter,

Caleb is 9. He was born in the year 1999, the year Corinne graduated. Just so your ready when April 2009 comes around, Brooklyn will be 4, she was born in 2005, the year Cody graduated.

Cute story and pictures.
